Vehicle Decals & Placards!
Employee Personal Vehicle
Employee’s personal vehicle needs to be a standard vehicle. Semi’s will not be able to get a hanging tag. Verified Employees are only allowed up to one vehicle per employee. If you need more vehicles to register you will be charged for up to 5 vehicles. Each Personal Vehicle that will be on an oilfield related location will need to be registered with the MHA DOT.
!!! Please always use valid email addresses and update when changed. You will receive all notifications VIA email.
Tribal Plate Information
Permit Requirements
ND Travel Restrictions
Special Moving Permits
Rig Move Permit
Issued to a company/contractor that has received their TERO Business License and/or MHA DOT Decals for movement of a Land Rig. This permit can only be used for up to 7 days for up to 150 vehicles. All contractors moving the rig must have their TERO Business License and MHA DOT Decals. Cost of this permit is $10,000.